A fleet of starships carrying superhuman soldiers approaches the war-torn world of Materiea. Among them, a powerful young woman named Whitney seeks to uphold the teachings of her faith and fulfill the duties of her people, the Archon Peacekeepers.
The world of Materiea is a mysterious place. On this planet, Whitney not only discovers a strange conflict but learns of a vile corruption within the ranks her own people. Whitney must not only bring peace to the planet but also to Peacekeepers themselves.
— G P Navarre
On the vibrant planet of Matereia, an uneasy alliance keeps the peace. The Plutocrats of Matereia, the Golden Hammer Corsol Division, and the loyalists of Archon find themselves working together despite warring with one another mere weeks ago.
Behind the facade of civility, each of the three plots to destroy the others. Peacekeeper Ensign Whitney was instrumental in the creation of the alliance and now hopes for peace on the beleaguered planet. A loyalist Archon, she has come to represent the faith of her people, the Radiant Starlight. As she struggles to prevent the world from plunging into further conflict, Whitney discovers that greater forces are at play and beyond her control.
— G.P. Navarre
First came the Peacekeepers of Archon. A race of humans possessing a power known as the Radiant Starlight, the Archons were determined to bring peace to a war-torn world known as Matereia.
Then came the Golden Hammer Corsol Division, a race of human cyborgs possessing a dazzling array of products. The Golden Hammer sought ownership of the planet’s resources and the Archons themselves.
And now even a greater threat now plagues the planet. Ilhrek, a Thulantean Monarch of the Throneworld Hierarchy, has taken the world for himself. He promises to transform the world into a proper Throneworld, a planet where are all are enslaved by the Thulanteans.
Peacekeeper Ensign Whitney, one of the last few loyal Archon Peacekeepers, is being held against her will. Idolized by the Matereians, Ilhrek plans to groom her into a proper slave and use her as a perfect example of how Archons will serve the Hierarchy.
Empowered by the Radiant Starlight, Whitney is the one person who can stop the Mad Monarch and his quest for domination.
— G. P. Navarre
A fleet of starships carrying superhuman soldiers approaches the war-torn world of Materiea. Among them, a powerful young woman named Whitney seeks to uphold the teachings of her faith and fulfill the duties of her people, the Archon Peacekeepers.
The world of Materiea is a mysterious place. On this planet, Whitney not only discovers a strange conflict but learns of a vile corruption within the ranks her own people. Whitney must not only bring peace to the planet but also to Peacekeepers themselves.
— G P Navarre
On the vibrant planet of Matereia, an uneasy alliance keeps the peace. The Plutocrats of Matereia, the Golden Hammer Corsol Division, and the loyalists of Archon find themselves working together despite warring with one another mere weeks ago.
Behind the facade of civility, each of the three plots to destroy the others. Peacekeeper Ensign Whitney was instrumental in the creation of the alliance and now hopes for peace on the beleaguered planet. A loyalist Archon, she has come to represent the faith of her people, the Radiant Starlight. As she struggles to prevent the world from plunging into further conflict, Whitney discovers that greater forces are at play and beyond her control.
— G.P. Navarre
First came the Peacekeepers of Archon. A race of humans possessing a power known as the Radiant Starlight, the Archons were determined to bring peace to a war-torn world known as Matereia.
Then came the Golden Hammer Corsol Division, a race of human cyborgs possessing a dazzling array of products. The Golden Hammer sought ownership of the planet’s resources and the Archons themselves.
And now even a greater threat now plagues the planet. Ilhrek, a Thulantean Monarch of the Throneworld Hierarchy, has taken the world for himself. He promises to transform the world into a proper Throneworld, a planet where are all are enslaved by the Thulanteans.
Peacekeeper Ensign Whitney, one of the last few loyal Archon Peacekeepers, is being held against her will. Idolized by the Matereians, Ilhrek plans to groom her into a proper slave and use her as a perfect example of how Archons will serve the Hierarchy.
Empowered by the Radiant Starlight, Whitney is the one person who can stop the Mad Monarch and his quest for domination.
— G. P. Navarre